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Version: 2.6


This menu [Settings > Security > Roles] can be used to manage users roles in the System.

A role is a set of permissions for actions available within the system (for example: create a widget, delete a Rule, access to the selected data stream, access to data from selected exporters). A role can be assigned to one or several users. One user can have one or several roles. Two roles are predefined in the system: Administrator, User.


The Sycope system implements a mechanism for assigning access to data at three levels:

  • Permissions - access to GUI system elements.
  • Data restrictions - access to single data streams that are available in the system



For roles, permissions can be assigned to selected endpoints in the Access column. The user can grant the following access rights:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Edit
  • View
Example 1

To create a role that only views the list of Widgets, the role must have View permission.

Example 2

To create a role that can edit Widgets, the role must have Edit and View permissions.



A detailed description of the individual elements of the Permissions section can be found at the end of this document in the Permission Details section.

Data restrictions

Data restriction allows you to block access to source data to protect data. It is possible to restrict the user's access to any Data streams that are in the System.



For the built-in admin role, you cannot add restrictions on data access. The admin role always has “everything” allowed.


By default, all user roles do not have data access restrictions.

Assigned users

In this section, you can assign Users to User Roles.



Privacy - you can grant permissions for a User Role

  • Private - accessible to the owner

  • Public - visible to all, but You can grant permission:

    • DELETE
    • EDIT
  • Shared - accessible to one or more selected User roles. Available privileges are:

    • Delete
    • Edit
    • View

Permissions Details

Below is a detailed description of the items in the Permissions section.


Raw Data

Viewing the source data

menu master


Dashboards, Dashboards Groups

Operations on dashboard objects.

Operations on dashboard groups (the Add Dashboard Group button) as well as editing and deletion.

menu master


Operations on dashboard objects.

menu master


Access to operations regarding the reports (REPORT).

menu master

ViewDisplaying of the report list
AddCreation and acquisition of a report directly from the dashboard.
Add, Edit, DeleteAdding, editing and deletion of the task to create a report in the backend.
Add, Edit, DeleteAdding, editing and deletion of a report template.
Add, Edit, DeleteAdding, duplication and deletion of report filters.


Rule Set

menu master

Alerts Table

menu master

Access to operations alert operations (STREAM_ALERT)

PermissionBackend Operation
EditAdding data to the alerts pipeline


OS (General Settings - System Status)

Access to information on the agent's machine.

menu master

Access to operations regarding the agent's machine management (OS_MGMT)

PermissionGUI Element
ViewNetwork Interfaces
ViewNetwork Interfaces
ViewNetwork Interfaces
ViewCPU, Memory usage, OS Disk Drive, Datastore Disk Drive
ViewSystem logs
Add, Delete, EditNetwork Interfaces
EditServices, Stop, Restart buttons
EditRestart button
EditShutDown button
EditSystem logs

General Settings - Notifications

Notifications Table

Access to operations regarding the notification pipeline (STREAM_NOTIFICATION)

ViewDisplaying of the notification listTable for General Settings -> Notifications

Thresholds Settings

Access to operations regarding the configuration of thresholds for the CPU, disk and memory metrics (OS_THRESHOLD)

PermissionBackend Operation
ViewAcquisition of all defined thresholds
ViewAcquisition of information on the thresholds for a given category: memory, disk, CPU.
EditResetting of all thresholds.
EditResetting of thresholds for a given category: memory, disk, CPU.
EditEditing of threshold configuration

Notification Mail

Access to operations regarding notifications sent by email messages (NOTIFICATION_MAIL)

PermissionBackend Operation
ViewAcquisition of a list of created notifications
ViewAcquisition of a list of available levels of notification (INFO, WARNING, ERROR)
ViewAcquisition of a list of available sources of notification
EditCreation/editing of notification

General Settings

Maintenance Mode

Access to operations regarding SSH (SSH_MGMT)

PermissionUI and Backend OperationUI
ViewAcquisition of SSH statusVerify button
EditStopping of SSH serviceStop button
EditCreation of Challenge for SSH
EditSSH service activation


Access to operations regarding the configuration of retention.

menu master

AddAdding a retentionAdd retention policy button
EditEditing of a retentionEdit button
EditExport/Import of a retentionImport retention policy and Export buttons
DeleteDeletion of a retentionRemove selected button

Backup & Restore

Access to operations regarding a backup of the agent's machine (BACKUP)

ViewInitialization of a backup of the tenant's machine from the master's UI.
ViewAcquisition of a list of backup files of the tenant's machine from the master's UI.
ViewRestoration of the tenant's machine from a backup from the master's UI.
ViewAcquisition of information on the backup task.
ViewAcquisition of the backup status.
ViewCanceling of the backup.
ViewChecking the integrity of the created backup.
ViewChecking the status of the FTP server.
ViewAcquisition of files from the created backup.
ViewRestoration of the agent's machine from the backup.
ViewRestoration of the default settings of the agent's machine.
ViewAcquisition of the list of directories with backups located on the FTP server.
ViewClearing the backup directories on the FTP server.
ViewCanceling the restoration of the agent's machine from the backup.
EditInitialization of the backup.
Edit, DeleteCreation/editing/deletion of the backup task.

Account Management -> Users, Roles, Authentication Providers

Configuration of users, roles and user authentication providers (Authentication Providers)

menu master

Mapping -> Lookups, Maintenance Windows, Business Hours, Tags, Mappers

Configuration of lookups, Maintenance Windows, work hours, labels and mappings.

menu master



Configuration of fields.

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying of information in fields.
AddAdding of a new field, Add field and Duplicate (menu master) buttons.
EditEditing of an existing field, Edit (menu master) button.
DeleteDeletion of a field, Delete(menu master) button.


Configuration of metrics.

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying information on metrics.
AddAdding of a new metric, Add metric and Duplicate (menu master) buttons.
EditEditing of an existing metric, Edit (menu master) button.
DeleteDeletion of a metric, Delete(menu master) button.


Configuration of ranges.

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying of information on ranges.
AddAdding of a new range, Add metric and Duplicate (menu master) buttons.
EditEditing of an existing range, Edit (menu master) button.
DeleteDeletion of a range, Delete(menu master) button.


Configuration of collectors.

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying of information on the collector recipient. Export of a collector, Export(menu master) button.
AddAdding of a new collector, Add metric and Duplicate (menu master) buttons.
EditEditing of an existing collector, Edit (menu master) button.
DeleteDeletion of a collector, Delete(menu master) button.


Access to operations regarding the configuration of report recipients "Recipients". (RECEIVER)

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of information on report recipients.
Add, Edit, DeleteButtons: Add recipient, Edit (menu master), Delete (menu master).

Right Click Actions

Operations pinned to the right mouse button.

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of information on the configuration.
AddAdd right click action button
EditDuplicate (menu master).

Email Templates

Access to operations regarding the configuration of email message templates. (MAIL_TEMPLATE)

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of information on the selected template.
ViewAcquisition of livePreview (TODO:) information
ViewAcquisition of a list of fields that may be used in the template.
Add, Edit, DeleteAdding, editing and deletion of template. Buttons: Add template, Edit (menu master), Delete (menu master)

Advanced Custom Aggregations

Access to operations regarding the configuration of advanced custom aggregations of the user.

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of information on aggregations.
ViewAggregation export
AddAdding, import and copying of an aggregation. Buttons: Add aggregation, Import aggregation, Duplicate (menu master)
EditEdition. Button: Edit (menu master)
DeleteDeletion of an aggregation. Button: Delete (menu master)


menu master


Access to operations regarding configuration of the Netflow stream (NETFLOW)

Netflow Traffic Profile

PermissionBackend Operation
ViewAcquisition of netflow profile types
ViewAcquisition of a traffic profile
AddCreation of a traffic profile
EditEditing of a traffic profile
DeleteDeletion of a traffic profile


Configuration of the "SFlow" service Access to operations regarding management of the SFlow (SFLOW)

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying information on the configuration.
EditEditing of an existing configuration, Add port button.
DeleteDeleting of port conofiguration, Delete(menu master) button


Configuration of the "Forwarding" service

menu master

PermissionUI Operation
ViewDisplaying information on the "Forwarding" configurations
AddAdding of a new configuration, Add forwarder rule, Import forwarder rule and Duplicate (menu master) buttons.
EditEditing of an existing configuration, Edit (menu master) button.
DeleteDeletion of a configuration, Delete(menu master) button

Exporter Groups

Access to operations regarding tenant machines (TENANT).

PermissionBackend Operation
View, License: 'Netflow', 'AdvancedFeatures'Acquisition of information on the tenant
View, License: 'Netflow', 'AdvancedFeatures'Acquisition of information on the tenants
Add, License: 'Netflow', 'AdvancedFeatures'Creation of a tenant
Edit, License: 'Netflow', 'AdvancedFeatures'Activation of a tenant
Delete, License: 'Netflow', 'AdvancedFeatures'Deletion of a tenant


Access to Security configuration and viewing the audit logs.

menu master

Audit Log

PermissionUI Operation
ViewViewing of audit logs, Audit Log tab.
ViewAcquisition of CSR, Download CSR button.
EditCreation of CSR, Generate CSR button.
EditUploading of a certificate, Upload signed cert button.


menu master


Access to the configuration of SMPT system integration and access to sending email messages (MAIL).

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of SMTP service configuration
EditSMTP service configuration
EditSending of email messages.

External Destinations

Access to the configuration of integration with external systems with the use of HTTP protocol.

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of configuration information.
ViewConfiguration export, Export(menu master) button
AddAdding, import and copying of a configuration. Buttons: Add external destination, Import external destination, Duplicate (menu master).
EditEditing. Button: Edit (menu master).
DeleteDeletion of configuration. Button: Delete (menu master)


Access to the configuration of integration with external systems with the use of FTP protocol.


Access to operations regarding the management of updates (REPO).

PermissionUI Operation
EditAcquisition of information on the available updates.
EditUpdating online.
EditRollback of last online update.
EditUpdating offline from a provided file.
EditUploading the file with offline update.


Access to operations regarding license management (LICENSE_MGMT).

PermissionUI Operation
ViewAcquisition of CSR
ViewAcquisition of information on the license
ViewAcquisition of rule definitions
ViewAcquisition of application version
ViewFingerprint acquisition
AddCreation of CSR
EditActivation of agent license
DeleteDeletion of CSR