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Version: 3.0

Raw Data

The data streams available in the system with default fields and user created fields are located in the [Raw Data] menu.


At the top of the window you can find the standard search bar, time ranges menu, etc., these elements are described in User Interface . This view displays the netflow stream by default. To change it to another one, you need to do it in the searchbar.


Further to the right, there is a time range selection bar, where we can choose the time range that interests us.


The view below is divided into three sections:







Selecting which columns are displayed in the table is configured in the drop-down menu.



In the table, for better readability of the data, the number of records displayed was limited to 1000.

Advanced View

After selecting a particular row by clicking on the row, a menu with Advanced View will open. All the variables, fields and values associated with the given record are available here.


When you select more rows in the table, the corresponding tabs will appear in the Advanced View menu.


Settings menu

The settings menu is accessed by pressing the image-20230630130509063 icon.


The following actions are available here:

  • Export as

    • CSV - export data to CSV files which is displayed in the table (limited to 1000 records)
    • CSV (full data) - export all data that is in the System (database)
    • PDF - export data to PDF files which is displayed in the table (limited to 1000 records)
    • JSON (widget object) - export data to JSON widget object which is displayed in the table (limited to 1000 records)
  • Customize

    • Show raw field names
    • Sorting on server side

System Data streams

In the System, Data streams are categorized into groups:

The tables below show the default fields with descriptions for each of the four groups listed above.


Alerts stream.


Display NameNQL NameDescription
Day Of WeekDayOfWeekDay of Week
Avg Bytes/pkt_avgBytesPerPacketMetric calculated Sum of Bytes/packet
Count Sessions_countSessionsMetric calculated Count Sessions
Count SYN_countSynMetric calculated Count of SYN Flags
Unique Server Ports_countUniqueServerPortsMetric calculated Count of Unique Server Ports
First BL Port Description_firstBlPortDescriptionMetric calculated First of Blacklisted Port Description
First Client Function_firstClientFunctionMetric calculated First Client Function
First OT Port Description_firstOtPortDescriptionMetric calculated First of OT Port Description
First P2P Port Description_firstP2pPortDescriptionMetric calculated First of P2P Port Description
First Server Function_firstServerFunctionMetric calculated First Server Function
Join Client IPs_joinClientIPsMetric calculated Join of Client IPs
Join Client TCP Flags_joinClientTCPFlagsMetric calculated Join of Client TCP Flags
Original Alert Names_joinOriginalAlertNamesMetric calculated Join of Alert Names
Join Server IPs_joinServerIPsMetric calculated Join of Server IPs
Join Server Ports_joinServerPortsMetric calculated Join of Server Ports
Join Server TCP Flags_joinServerTCPFlagsMetric calculated Join of Server TCP Flags
Max Client Network Time_maxClientNetworkTimeMetric calculated maximal value of Client Network Time
Max Initial Server Response Time_maxInitialServerResponseTimeMetric calculated maximal value of Initial Server Response Time
Max Server Network Time_maxServerNetworkTimeMetric calculated maximal value of Server Network Time
Sum Bits/s_sumBitsPerSecondMetric calculated Sum of Bits/s by Interval
Sum Bits/s Critical_sumBitsPerSecond0baselineCritical
Sum Bits/s Major_sumBitsPerSecond0baselineMajor
Sum Bits/s Minor_sumBitsPerSecond0baselineMinor
Sum Bytes_sumBytesMetric calculated Sum of Bytes.
Sum Bytes Critical_sumBytes0baselineCritical
Sum Bytes Major_sumBytes0baselineMajor
Sum Bytes Minor_sumBytes0baselineMinor
Sum Client Packets_sumClientPacketsMetric calculated Sum of Client Packets
Sum Flows_sumFlowsMetric calculated Sum of Flows
Sum FLows Critical_sumFlows0baselineCritical
Sum FLows Major_sumFlows0baselineMajor
Sum FLows Minor_sumFlows0baselineMinor
Sum Packets_sumPacketsMetric calculated Sum of Packets
Sum Packets Critical_sumPackets0baselineCritical
Sum Packets Major_sumPackets0baselineMajor
Sum Packets Minor_sumPackets0baselineMinor
Sum Packets/flow_sumPacketsPerFlowMetric calculated Sum of Packets Per Flow
Sum Packets/s_sumPacketsPerSecondMetric calculated Sum of Packets/s by Interval
Sum Packets/s Critical_sumPacketsPerSecond0baselineCritical
Sum Packets/s Major_sumPacketsPerSecond0baselineMajor
Sum Packets/s Minor_sumPacketsPerSecond0baselineMinor
Sum Server Bytes_sumServerBytesMetric calculated Sum of Server Bytes
Sum Server Packets_sumServerPacketsMetric calculated Sum of Server Packets
Unique Client ASNs_uniqueClientAsnMetric calculated Count of Unique Client ASNs
Unique Client IPs_uniqueClientIPsMetric calculated Count of Unique Client IPs
Unique Count Alerts_uniqueCountAlertsMetric calculated Count of Unique Alert Names
Unique Server IPs_uniqueServerIpsMetric calculated Count of Unique Server IPs
ACK TimealertAckLastUpdateAcknowledge flag update Time
ACK UseralertAckUserUser updating the Acknowledge flag
Comment TimealertCommentLastUpdateComment update time
Commented UseralertCommentUserUser updating a comment
Alert Definition IdalertDefIdAlert Definition Identifier
False PositivealertFalsePositiveAlert handling False Positive flag
False Positive TimealertFalsePositiveLastUpdateFalse Positive flag update time
False Positive UseralertFalsePositiveUserUser updating the False Positive flag
Threshold LevelalertFlagThresholdLevelThreshold Level (Critical, Major, Minor)
Mitre Technique IdalertMitreIdMitre ATT&CK Technique Id
Mitre SubtechniquealertMitreSubtechniqueMitre ATT&CK Subtechnique
Mitre TacticalertMitreTacticMitre ATT&CK Tactic
Mitre TechniquealertMitreTechniqueMitre ATT&CK Technique
Alert NamealertNameAlert Name
Rule IdalertRuleIdRule Identifier
Rule TypealertRuleTypeRule Type
ACKalertSeenSetting the Acknowledge flag
Alert SeverityalertSeverityAlert Severity
Alert Tags NamesalertTagsNamesLookup - Tags ids as Tags names
ApplicationapplicationApplication Number
Application NameapplicationNameMapper - Application Number as Application Name
Client AS NameclientAsNameMapper - AS Number as AS Name from build-in database
Client CountryclientCountryCountry of Client IP Addresses
Client IPclientIpClient IP Address
Client PrivateclientPrivateClient Private
Dns QuerydnsQueryDNS query
Http Host NamehttpHostHTTP host name
Alert IdidAlert Identifier
JA3 Client Hashja3cHashJA3 client hash
JA3 Server Hashja3sHashJA3 server hash
IP ProtocolprotocolProtocol Number
Protocol NameprotocolNameMapper - IP Protocol as Protocol Name
Server AS NameserverAsNameMapper - AS Number as AS Name from build-in database
Server CountryserverCountryCountry of Server IP Addresses
Server IPserverIpServer IP address
serverPortserverPortServer port
Server PrivateserverPrivateServer Private
TimetimestampAlert Time

Asset Discovery


Asset devices metrics stream.


Asset devices stream.


Netflow 4-key aggregation for asset discovery


Data streams for build-in collectors.

Collector nameDescription
top1000IPsLast2MinutesCollect Top 10k IPs in Last 2 Minutes Timeline with the highest sessions (at least more than 1 k) and packets count more than 1k.
top10ClientIpLast15Minute_AlertsCollect TOP 10 Client IPs in the last 15 Minute.
top10ClientIpLast15MinuteCollect TOP 10 Client IPs in Last 15 Minute Timeline.
top10ServerIpLast15MinuteCollect TOP 10 Server IPs in Last 15 Minute Timeline.



Netflow 1 min aggregated by DNS query type stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Dns Query TypednsQueryTypeDNS query type
Dns Query Type NamednsQueryTypeNameDns Query Type Name
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by HTTP return code stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
DNS Error Return Code NamesdnsErrorReturnCodeNamesDNS Error Return Code Names
Dns Return CodednsRetCodeDNS return code
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by HTTP method flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Http MethodhttpMethodHTTP METHOD
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by HTTP return code flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Http Return CodehttpRetCodeHTTP return code
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by HTTP user agent flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Http User AgenthttpUaHTTP User Agent
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)



Deduplicated Netflow and Sflow records stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Day Of WeekDayOfWeekDay of Week
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
ApplicationapplicationApplication Number
Application IdapplicationIdMapper - Application ID
Application NameapplicationNameMapper - Application Number as Application Name
AS NameasNameMapper - AS Number to AS Name from build-in database
As NumbersasNumbersUnique Autonomous Systems Numbers
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client AS NameclientAsNameMapper - AS Number as AS Name from build-in database
Client AS NumberclientAsNumberAS Number of Client IP Addresses
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits Per PacketclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits Per SecondclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client CountryclientCountryCountry of Client IP Addresses
Client FunctionclientFunctionFunction Group of Client IP Addresses
Client IPclientIpClient IP Address
Client IP NameclientIpNameClient IP Name
Client LocationclientLocationLocation Group of Client IP Addresses
Client Max TTLclientMaxTtlMax TTL (Client -> Sever)
Client Network TimeclientNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Client -> Server)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets Per SecondclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client PortclientPortClient Port
Client PrivateclientPrivateClient Private
Client RoleclientRoleRole Group of Client IP Addresses
Client TCP FlagsclientTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Client -> Sever)
DNS Error Return Code NamesdnsErrorReturnCodeNamesDNS Error Return Code Names
Dns Query Type NamednsQueryTypeNameDns Query Type Name
Exporter IPsexporterIpsUnique IP Addresses of Netflow Exporters
Exporter NameexporterNameLookup - Exporter IP as Exporter Name from SNMP database
First TimestampfirstTimestampFirst Timestamp of unique flow (session)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
ICMP TypeicmpTypeMapper - ICMP Type
Initial Server Response TimeinitialServerResponseTimeResponse Time (Latency) (Application)
InterfacesinterfacesUnique numbers of Netflow Exporter's Interfaces
IPv6 Option Headersipv6OptionHeadersMapper - IPv6 Option Headers
Last TimestamplastTimestampLast Timestamp of unique flow (session)
MPLSmplsUnique MPLS Labels
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
% In Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedInPackets% Retransmitted Packets (In)
% Out Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedOutPackets% Retransmitted Packets (Out)
IP ProtocolprotocolProtocol Number
Protocol NameprotocolNameMapper - IP Protocol as Protocol Name
Retransmitted In BytesretransmittedInBytesRetransmitted Bytes (Incoming)
Retransmitted In PacketsretransmittedInPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Incoming)
Retransmitted Out BytesretransmittedOutBytesRetransmitted Bytes (Outgoing)
Retransmitted Out PacketsretransmittedOutPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Outgoing)
Server AS NameserverAsNameMapper - AS Number as AS Name from build-in database
Server AS NumberserverAsNumberAS Number of Server IP Addresses
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits Per SecondserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server CountryserverCountryCountry of Server IP Addresses
Server FunctionserverFunctionFunction Group of Server IP Addresses
Server IPserverIpServer IP Address
Server IP NameserverIpNameServer IP Name
Server LocationserverLocationLocation Group of Server IP Addresses
Server Network TimeserverNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Server -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets Per SecondserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server PortserverPortServer Port
Server PrivateserverPrivateServer Private
Server RoleserverRoleRole Group of Server IP Addresses
Server TCP FlagsserverTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Sever -> Client)
Session IDsessionIdSession ID within minute interval
ToS NamestosNamesMapper - ToS Number / Numbers as ToS Name
Tos NumberstosNumbersUnique Type of Service values


Netflow 1 min aggregated by application flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
ApplicationapplicationApplication Number
Application NameapplicationNameMapper - Application Number as Application Name
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client Network TimeclientNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Client -> Server)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client TCP FlagsclientTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Client -> Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Initial Server Response TimeinitialServerResponseTimeResponse Time (Latency) (Application)
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
% In Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedInPackets% Retransmitted Packets (In)
% Out Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedOutPackets% Retransmitted Packets (Out)
Retransmitted In PacketsretransmittedInPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Incoming)
Retransmitted Out PacketsretransmittedOutPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Outgoing)
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server Network TimeserverNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Server -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server TCP FlagsserverTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by ASN flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
AS NameasNameMapper - AS Number to AS Name from build-in database
AS NumberasNumberAS Number
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
DirectiondirectionMapper - Direction (Client, Server or Both)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by country flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Country NamecountryCountry Name
DirectiondirectionMapper - Direction (Client, Server or Both)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by exporter flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Exporter DescriptionexporterDescriptionLookup - Exporter IP as Exporter Description from SNMP database
Exporter IPexporterIpExporter IP
Exporter LocationexporterLocationLookup - Exporter IP as Exporter Location from SNMP database
Exporter NameexporterNameLookup - Exporter IP as Exporter Name from SNMP database
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval


Netflow 1 min aggregated by group flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
DirectiondirectionMapper - Direction (Client, Server or Both)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Group NamegroupGroup Name
Group TypegroupTypeGroup Type
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by interface flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Exporter IPexporterIpExporter IP
Exporter NameexporterNameLookup - Exporter IP as Exporter Name from SNMP database
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Interface IndexifcIndexInterface Index
Interface NameifcNameLookup - Interface Index as Interface Name from SNMP database
Interface SpeedifcSpeedLookup - Interface Index as Interface Speed from SNMP database
In BitsinBitsBits (In)
In Bits/sinBitsPerSecondBits (In) per Interval
In BytesinBytesBytes (In)
In PacketsinPacketsPackets (In)
In Packets/sinPacketsPerSecondPackets (In) per Interval
Out BitsoutBitsBits (Out)
Out Bits/soutBitsPerSecondBits (Out) per Interval
Out BytesoutBytesBytes (Out)
Out PacketsoutPacketsPackets (Out)
Out Packets/soutPacketsPerSecondPackets (In) per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
% In UtilizationpercentInUtilization% Utilization (In)
% Out UtilizationpercentOutUtilization% Utilization (Out)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by top IP flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
AS NameasNameMapper - AS Number to AS Name from build-in database
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client Network TimeclientNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Client -> Server)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/flowclientPacketsPerFlowPackets per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client TCP FlagsclientTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Client -> Sever)
Country CodecountryCodeLookup - IP Address as Country Code from build-in database
DirectiondirectionMapper - Direction (Client, Server or Both)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Initial Server Response TimeinitialServerResponseTimeResponse Time (Latency) (Application)
IP AddressipAddressIP Address
IP Address NameipAddressNameIP Address Name
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
% In Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedInPackets% Retransmitted Packets (In)
% Out Retransmitted PacketspercentRetransmittedOutPackets% Retransmitted Packets (Out)
Retransmitted In PacketsretransmittedInPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Incoming)
Retransmitted Out PacketsretransmittedOutPacketsRetransmitted Packets (Outgoing)
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/flowserverBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/pktserverBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server Network TimeserverNetworkTimeNetwork Latency (Server -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/flowserverPacketsPerFlowPackets per Flow (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server TCP FlagsserverTcpFlagsMapper - TCP Flags (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by MPLS flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
MPLS LabelsmplsUnique MPLS Labels
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by IP protocol flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
ProtocolprotocolProtocol Number
Protocol NameprotocolNameMapper - IP Protocol as Protocol Name
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)


Netflow 1 min aggregated by TOS flows stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
ToS NametosNameMapper - ToS Number / Numbers as ToS Name
ToS NumbertosNumberToS Number


Netflow 1 min aggregated.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Active TimeactiveTimeActive Time of unique flow (session)
Bits/sbitsPerSecondBits per Interval
Bits/s (AT)bitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time
Client BitsclientBitsBits (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/flowclientBitsPerFlowBits per Flow (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/pktclientBitsPerPacketBits per Packet (Client -> Sever)
Clients Bits/sclientBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Bits/s (AT)clientBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
Client BytesclientBytesBytes (Client -> Sever)
Client PacketsclientPacketsPackets (Client > Sever)
Client Packets/sclientPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Client -> Sever)
Client Packets/s (AT)clientPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Client -> Sever)
FlowsflowsFlows sent by Exporter
Flows/sflowsPerSecondFlows per Interval
Packets/spacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval
Packets/s (AT)packetsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time
Server BitsserverBitsBits (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/sserverBitsPerSecondBits per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Bits/s (AT)serverBitsPerSecondActiveTimeBits per Active Time (Sever -> Client)
Server BytesserverBytesBytes (Sever -> Client)
Server PacketsserverPacketsPackets (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/sserverPacketsPerSecondPackets per Interval (Sever -> Client)
Server Packets/s (AT)serverPacketsPerSecondActiveTimePackets per Active Time (Sever -> Client)



Audit messages stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Method namemethodName


System metrics stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription
Number of analyzersanalyzersCountNumber of configured netty analyzers.
Available spaceavailAvailable space
Conversations processedconversationsProcessedTotal number of processed conversations.
Idle Raw in tickscpuIdleRawIdle Raw in ticks.
CPU IDcpuNameThe CPU ID.
Nice Raw in tickscpuNiceRawNice Raw in ticks.
System Raw in tickscpuSystemRawSystem Raw in ticks.
CPU UtilizationcpuUsedThe percentage cpu utilization value.
User Raw in tickscpuUserRawUser Raw in ticks.
Deletes errordeleteErrorsTotal number of deleting errors.
Deletes numberdeleteNumTotal number of deleting operations.
Dropped packetsdroppedDropped packets.
ErrorserrorsNumber of errors during decoding.
Exporter IPexporterIpNetflow sender IP address.
Filter namefilterNameFilter name.
Filtered OutfilteredOutTotal number of filtered out flows.
Inbound FlowsflowsTotal number of processed flows.
Flows analyzedflowsAnalyzedTotal number of analyzed flows.
Forwarder nameforwarderNameForwarder name.
Free MemoryfreeFree Memory
Decoder indexindexDecoder index.
Index nameindexNameIndex name.
Max latencymaxLatencyMaximum latency in ms.
MEM IDmemoryNameThe MEM ID.
Messages receivedmessagesTotal number of received messages.
metaSetNamemetaSetNameInformation field for system maintenance only
Min latencyminLatencyMinimum latency in ms.
Missed TemplatesmissedTemplatesTotal number of missed templates for v9 and v10 flows.
Dropped PacketspacketsDroppedNumber of unforwarded packets.
Inbound PacketspacketsInTotal number of packets entering forwarder.
Outbound PacketspacketsOutTotal number of packets forwarded.
Records analyzedrecordsAnalyzedTotal number of analyzed records.
Service nameserviceNameService name.
SflowssflowsTotal number of decoded sflows.
Total SizetotalTotal Size
UDP bytes receivedudpBytesNumber of bytes received.
UDP packets droppedudpDroppedTotal number of dropped UDP packets.
UDP packets receivedudpPacketsTotal number of received UDP packets.
Unmapped flowsunmappedFlowsTotal number of unmapped flows.
Used spaceusedUsed space
User Percent MemoryusedPercentThe percentage cpu utilization value.
V10 flowsv10flowsTotal number of decoded Netflow v10 flows.
V5 flowsv5flowsTotal number of decoded Netflow v5 flows.
V9 flowsv9flowsTotal number of decoded Netflow v9 flows.
Writes errorwriteErrorsTotal number of writing errors.
Writes numberwriteNumTotal number of writing operations.


System notifications stream.

Display NameNQL NameDescription


Test index account.

Display NameNQL NameDescription