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Version: 2.6

Report Schedule

This menu [Configuration > Reports > Report schedule] can be used to configure all aspects related to sending reports, such as frequency, recipient, or report content (appropriate templates).

The list of Report schedules is included in a table with the following columns:

  • Name - template name.
  • Tag - assigned labels from the pool available (configured) in the system
  • Cron Expression - cron expression that specifies when a task executes
  • Receivers - report recipients previously configured [Configuration > Reports > Recipients].
  • Templates - the templates on which the report is based. You create and configure in [Configuration > Dashboards]
  • Privacy - icon indicating the status that the task has in the context of private/public permissions
  • Shared - names of users who share the task
  • Created - date and time of task creation
  • Creator - the name of the user who created the task
  • Action
    • Edit - edit an existing schedule
    • Duplicate - can be used as a template for a new schedule
    • Run and send - perform the task and send the report to Recipients
    • Run and download - perform the task and save the report to a disk
    • Delete - delete the task


To add a new Report schedule, click the New report task button then the New report task wizard will appear. In the wizard window, there are the following fields:

  • Name - report task name
  • Schedule
    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Recur every (hour)
  • Custom cron expression switch - you can enter your own expression in cron format to configure when the task should be executed
  • Receivers - here, you specify who should receive the report. Recipients must be added previously in the [Configuration > Reports > Recipients] tab.
  • Templates - the templates on which the report is based. You create and configure them in [Configuration > Reports]
  • Tag - assigned labels from the pool available (configured) in the system

Privacy - assigning privileges to the task.

  • Private - accessible to the owner

  • Public - accessible to all but You can grant permission:

    • DELETE
    • EDIT
  • Shared - accessible to one or more selected User roles. Available privileges are:

    • Delete
    • Edit
    • View
