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Version: 2.2.2

NQL query examples


fieldKey-value pair, a way of storing information, e.g. name=John. In special cases, it is allowed to store an empty value in the field. It is not possible to create a field with an empty/undefined key. The value of the field for a specific data type.
objectA collection of fields that form the basic unit of data storage. It has mandatory/system fields. A blank document has only mandatory/system fields.
collectionA logical container for storing objects. The collection can be empty, or it can be distributed. Provides an interface for querying, adding/deleting/modifying documents regardless of their internal organization.
input collectionA collection of objects (input objects) that is passed to the command.
output collectionA collection of objects (output objects) that is the result of executing a command.
streamData source. Generates (on demand or continuously) a sequence of objects (collection) of a specific type (origin).
commandProcesses a set of data (collections) coming from the input and passes the output result. Commands can be more than one and can form a so-called pipe: source1 | command1 | command2 | .... commandN. Each command has an input and an output of data (collections). The input of a command is a sequence of input objects (collection) which are the result (output) of the previous command or stream. The result of a command is a collection of output objects. A special type of command is a stream, which has only an output.
pipe (nql)A sequence of commands that process collections of objects. A pipeline is defined by an nql expression.

Example 1


Select the ten oldest people in the IT department and display the full names of these people.

NQL Query

(1) records {test_data} | (2) set fullName = concat(fName, lName, delimiter=",")  | (3) where dep="IT"  | (4) aggr fName=first(fName), lName=first(lName), ctry=first(ctry), age=first(age), docs=first(docs), host=first(host), PD=max(PD), Balance=max(balance) by fullName | (5) sort age desc | (6) limit 10


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. records

Get the objects from the test database.


"fName": "Jake",
"lName": "White",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "DE",
"age": 56,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526346,
"ts": 1673755017972,
"balance": 9966.23
"fName": "Jack",
"lName": "Magenta",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "PL",
"age": 27,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"ts": 1674845669100,
"balance": 5556.47
"fName": "Harry",
"lName": "Watermelon",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "US",
"age": 49,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.3029903276018222,
"ts": 1673763725949,
"balance": 7404.62
  1. concat

Add a new field containing first and last names separated by a comma.

set fullName = concat(fName, lName, delimiter=",")


"fName": "Jake",
"lName": "White",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "DE",
"age": 56,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526346,
"ts": 1673755017972,
"balance": 9966.23,
"fName": "Jack",
"lName": "Magenta",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "PL",
"age": 27,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"ts": 1674845669100,
"balance": 5556.47,
"fName": "Harry",
"lName": "Watermelon",
"dep": "HR",
"ctry": "US",
"age": 49,
"host": "",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.3029903276018222,
"ts": 1673763725949,
"balance": 7404.62,
  1. where

Select only those people who belong to the "IT" department.

where dep="IT"


"lName": "Blue",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8441553273619709,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 8899.6,
"age": 60,
"fullName" : "Jack,Blue"
"lName": "Yellow",
"fName": "Jacob",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8416937579622111,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9376.34,
"age": 60,
"fullName" : "Jacob,Yellow"
  1. aggr

    The data contains several values of the Balance and PD fields for a person at different ts times. We want to display only one object for each person. To do this, we need to aggregate the data by full name (fullName field), taking the maximum values of the Balance and PD fields. The value of the fullName field by which we aggregate will be stored in the aggregation field _id.

aggr fName=first(fName), lName=first(lName), ctry=first(ctry), age=first(age), docs=first(docs), host=first(host), PD=max(PD), Balance=max(balance) by fullName 


"lName": "Blue",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8441553273619709,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 8899.6,
"_id": [
"age": 60
"lName": "Yellow",
"fName": "Jacob",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8416937579622111,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9376.34,
"_id": [
"age": 60
  1. sort

    Sort the results by the age of the people starting with the oldest (desc).

sort age desc
  1. limit

    Select the first ten people from a previously sorted list.

limit 10


"lName": "Blue",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8441553273619709,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 8899.6,
"_id": [
"age": 60
"lName": "Yellow",
"fName": "Jacob",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8416937579622111,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9376.34,
"_id": [
"age": 60
"lName": "Miedziany",
"fName": "Olive",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8762584426876398,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 8586.93,
"_id": [
"age": 59
"lName": "Cinnamon",
"fName": "Neil",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.9939145170408105,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"balance": 8096.58,
"_id": [
"age": 57

Example 2


For each person, display the current balance along with the date from which this balance is valid.

NQL Query method 1

records {test_data} | (1) sort ts desc | (2) aggr latestBalance=first(balance),latestPD=first(PD)  by fName, lName unwind=true


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. sort

    Sort collections by ts field from the largest value (desc).

sort ts desc
  1. aggr

    Select the values of the Balance and PD fields from the first object found from the aggregated data by the fName and lName fields. The previous command sorted the values by ts in descending order, so if we select in this step the value of the Balance field and PD field from the first object encountered, these will be the values for the maximum `ts``, i.e. the last ones.

aggr latestBalance=first(balance),latestPD=first(PD)  by fName, lName unwind=true


"lName": "Amber",
"fName": "Matt",
"latestBalance": 8540.07,
"latestPD": 0.3231355816784073
"lName": "Oliwkowy",
"fName": "Olive",
"latestBalance": 595.67,
"latestPD": 0.6249965829144613
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"latestBalance": 3772.04,
"latestPD": 0.2969195237000811
"lName": "Ruby",
"fName": "Paul",
"latestBalance": 4879.27,
"latestPD": 0.006748252054172954
"lName": "Yellow",
"fName": "Richard",
"latestBalance": 4011.64,
"latestPD": 0.5387816649690332

NQL Query method 2

Sequence of three NQLs:

records {test_data} | (1) dst "collTestData" 
(2) coll "collTestData" | (3) fork ( (3.1) set fullName=concat(fName, " ", lName) | dst "data3"), ( (3.2) aggr latestTs=max(ts)by fName, lName unwind=true | dst "data4") 
(4) coll "data3" | (5) set latestTs=valColl("data4", "latestTs", {"fName":fName, "lName":lName}) | (6) where $eq(latestTs,ts) | (7) sort fullName


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. dst collTestData

Prepare a collector with test data.


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 990,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526344,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9966.23,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 56,
"ts": 1673755017972
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 5556.47,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 27,
"ts": 1674845669100

  1. coll collTestData

Get the test data from the "collTestData" collector

  1. fork

Execute two NQLs in parallel.

3.1 set, dst

Add a new field fullName which is a composite of the values of the fields: Name , " " (space) and Name. Store the result to a collector with id "data3".


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 990,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526344,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9966.23,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 56,
"ts": 1673755017972,
"fullName": "Jake White"
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 5556.47,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 27,
"ts": 1674845669100,
"fullName": "Jack Magenta"

3.2 aggr, dst

Calculate the maximum timestamp (latestTs) for each person and store the result to the collector with id "data4".


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 99,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"latestTs": 1675018088389
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"latestTs": 1675201265593
"lName": "Watermelon",
"fName": "Harry",
"latestTs": 1674670980569
  1. coll "data3"

Get test data from the collector "data3".

  1. set, valColl

To all objects from collectior "data3" add the field latestTs of which value is taken for each person from the collector "data4".


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 990,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526344,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"balance": 9966.23,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 56,
"ts": 1673755017972,
"fullName": "Jake White",
"latestTs": null
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"balance": 5556.47,
"dep": "HR",
"age": 27,
"ts": 1674845669100,
"fullName": "Jack Magenta",
"latestTs": null
  1. where

From the previously prepared set of objects (people), select only those for which latestTs equals ts. These are the objects containing the most recent (latest) PD and balance values.

  1. sort

Sort the result.


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 99,
"data": [
"lName": "Amber",
"fName": "Connor",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.48863820141709124,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 1440.24,
"dep": "ADM",
"age": 24,
"ts": 1675165590523,
"fullName": "Connor Amber",
"latestTs": 1675165590523
"lName": "Green",
"fName": "Connor",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.5409617064298299,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"balance": 5851.46,
"dep": "ADM",
"age": 31,
"ts": 1674903306796,
"fullName": "Connor Green",
"latestTs": 1674903306796

Example 3


Add a new fullName field to all objects, sort and display it, and in parallel perform data aggregation. To do this, perform three NQLs.

NQL Query

records {test_data} | (1) dst "collTestData"  
(2) coll "collTestData" | (3) fork (set fullName=concat(fName, " ", lName) | limit 100 | dst "collData1"), ( aggr fieldsCount=sum(age) by fName,lName maxBuckets=2 | dst "collData2")  
(4) coll "collData1" | (5) sort fullName     


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. dst

    Store all objects from {test_data} to a new collector with the identifier collTestData.


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 990,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526344,
"balance": 9966.23,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"dep": "HR",
"age": 56,
"ts": 1673755017972
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"balance": 5556.47,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"dep": "HR",
"age": 27,
"ts": 1674845669100
  1. coll

    The previously created data collector collTestData is the data source for the next step NQL.

  2. fork

    On the data from the collector collTestData perform two NQLs in parallel: set... and aggr.... Each of them stores its results to the newly created collectors collData1 and collData1.

Result for set... stored in collData1 collector:

"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 100,
"data": [
"lName": "White",
"fName": "Jake",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.43859708144526344,
"balance": 9966.23,
"ctry": "DE",
"host": "",
"dep": "HR",
"age": 56,
"ts": 1673755017972,
"fullName": "Jake White"
"lName": "Magenta",
"fName": "Jack",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.511210222043333,
"balance": 5556.47,
"ctry": "PL",
"host": "",
"dep": "HR",
"age": 27,
"ts": 1674845669100,
"fullName": "Jack Magenta"

Result for aggr... stored in collData2 collector:

"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 2,
"data": [
"fieldsCount": 560,
"_id": [
"fieldsCount": 270,
"_id": [
  1. coll

    The result of the NQL ("set...") from the previous step , stored in the collector collData1, is the data source for the next NQL.

  2. sort

    Sort the data from the collector collData1 and display the result.


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 100,
"data": [
"lName": "Amber",
"fName": "Connor",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.7200228784043261,
"balance": 1118.7,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"dep": "ADM",
"age": 24,
"ts": 1673615235896,
"fullName": "Connor Amber"
"lName": "Green",
"fName": "Connor",
"docs": [
"PD": 0.8421159777008483,
"balance": 7882.33,
"ctry": "IE",
"host": "",
"dep": "ADM",
"age": 31,
"ts": 1673976067457,
"fullName": "Connor Green"

In this example, the data from the aggregation is ignored in further processing and not displayed at the end.

Example 4


Calculate the average value of a person's balance and add it to each person object in the source table.

NQL Query

records "test_data" | (1) aggr avgBalance=avg(balance) by fName, lName unwind=true | (2) dst "avgBalanceColl" 
records "test_data" | (3) set avgBalance=valColl("avgBalance", "avgBalance", {"fName":fName, "lName":lName}) 


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Calculate the average balance value for a person and save it in the avgBalance field.

  2. Save the results to the collector with id avgBalanceColl.

  3. For each person from the "test_data" collection, add the field avgBalance whose value is taken from the collector avgBalanceColl from the field avgBalance of the object selected in this collector after the filter avgBalanceColl.fName = test_data.fName and avgBalanceColl.lName = test_data.lName.

Example 5 (real data from the network)

Display five IP clients for which we have the most data.

src stream="netflow" | isIp(clientIp) | aggr countClientIp=count(clientIp) by clientIp as client unwind=true | sort countClientIp desc | limit 5


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Get data from the netflow stream.

Result (first two objects):

"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 92460,
"data": [
"_stream": "netflow",
"timestamp": 1677225660000,
"sessionId": 1727,
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"protocol": 6,
"clientPort": 60236,
"serverPort": 49666,
"application": 49666,
"exporterIps": [
"interfaces": [
"clientFunction": [
"serverFunction": [
"clientLocation": [],
"serverLocation": [],
"clientRole": [],
"serverRole": [],
"clientTcpFlags": 0,
"serverTcpFlags": 0,
"tosNumbers": [],
"mpls": [],
"asNumbers": [],
"icmpType": [],
"clientCountry": null,
"serverCountry": null,
"clientAsNumber": null,
"serverAsNumber": null,
"activeTime": 92,
"firstTimestamp": 1677225416260,
"lastTimestamp": 1677225416352,
"clientBytes": 3756,
"serverBytes": 1878,
"clientPackets": 10,
"serverPackets": 9,
"flows": 2,
"customField1036": null
"_stream": "netflow",
"timestamp": 1677225660000,
"sessionId": 1729,
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"protocol": 6,
"clientPort": 51310,
"serverPort": 80,
"application": 80,
"exporterIps": [
"interfaces": [
"clientFunction": [
"serverFunction": [],
"clientLocation": [],
"serverLocation": [],
"clientRole": [],
"serverRole": [],
"clientTcpFlags": 0,
"serverTcpFlags": 0,
"tosNumbers": [],
"mpls": [],
"asNumbers": [],
"icmpType": [],
"clientCountry": null,
"serverCountry": null,
"clientAsNumber": null,
"serverAsNumber": null,
"activeTime": 121156,
"firstTimestamp": 1677225274816,
"lastTimestamp": 1677225395972,
"clientBytes": 80,
"serverBytes": 40,
"clientPackets": 2,
"serverPackets": 1,
"flows": 2,
"customField1036": null

  1. Select only those objects in which the clientIp field contains the actual value ip4 or ip6.

| isIp(clientIp)

  1. Calculate the number of objects for each client ip.

| aggr countClientIp=count(clientIp) by clientIp as client unwind=true

Result (first three values):

"total": 364,
"data": [
"countClientIp": 542,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 925,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 2139,
"client": ""
  1. Sort the results from the largest value of countClientIp.

  2. Select the first 5 objects from the result.


"total": 5,
"data": [
"countClientIp": 15744,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 12255,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 6888,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 4520,
"client": ""
"countClientIp": 3777,
"client": ""

Example 6 (real data from the network)


Display ten protocols with the highest network traffic.

NQL Query

src stream="netflowByProtocolAggr" 
| aggr sumClientBytes=sum(clientBytes),sumServerBytes=sum(serverBytes),sumClientPackets=sum(clientPackets),sumServerPackets=sum(serverPackets),sumFlows=sum(flows) by protocol as protocolName unwind=true
| set _sumBytes1=add(sumClientBytes,sumServerBytes),_sumClientBitsPerSecond4=div(mul(sumClientBytes,8),60),_sumServerBitsPerSecond5=div(mul(sumServerBytes,8),60),_sumPacketsPerSecond6=div(add(sumClientPackets,sumServerPackets),60),_sumFlowsPerSecond7=div(sumFlows, 60)
| fork (aggr _sumBytes1=sum(_sumBytes1), _sumClientBytes2=sum(sumClientBytes), _sumServerBytes3=sum(sumServerBytes), _sumClientBitsPerSecond4=sum(_sumClientBitsPerSecond4),_sumServerBitsPerSecond5=sum(_sumServerBitsPerSecond5), _sumPacketsPerSecond6=sum(_sumPacketsPerSecond6), _sumFlowsPerSecond7=sum(_sumFlowsPerSecond7), total=count(1) | set protocolName="Total", _isTotalRow=true), (sort _sumBytes1 desc | limit 10)


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Select data from the stream "netflowByProtocolAggr".
src stream="netflowByProtocolAggr" 


"total": 2048,
"data": [
"_stream": "netflowByProtocolAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196980000,
"protocol": 17,
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"activeTime": 14978853,
"clientBytes": 44116491,
"serverBytes": 160063,
"clientPackets": 117479,
"serverPackets": 1045,
"flows": 1566,
"sessions": 676
"_stream": "netflowByProtocolAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196980000,
"protocol": 1,
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"activeTime": 1120484,
"clientBytes": 1228,
"serverBytes": 399559,
"clientPackets": 23,
"serverPackets": 1263,
"flows": 112,
"sessions": 23
"_stream": "netflowByProtocolAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196980000,
"protocol": 2,
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"activeTime": 79982,
"clientBytes": 0,
"serverBytes": 1224,
"clientPackets": 0,
"serverPackets": 34,
"flows": 2,
"sessions": 1

  1. Calculate the sum of the values of the clientBytes, serverBytes, clientPackets and serverPackets fields for each protocol.

    Set unwind=true then the value of the field protocol will be in the resulting object in the field named protocolName, otherwise the value would be returned in the field _id:[<protocol>]

| aggr sumClientBytes=sum(clientBytes),
by protocol as protocolName unwind=true


"total": 5,
"data": [
"protocolName": 17,
"sumClientBytes": 27629261045,
"sumServerBytes": 200320556,
"sumClientPackets": 73431273,
"sumServerPackets": 736372,
"sumFlows": 787521
"protocolName": 1,
"sumClientBytes": 771406,
"sumServerBytes": 210319829,
"sumClientPackets": 13398,
"sumServerPackets": 706733,
"sumFlows": 63849
"protocolName": 2,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 227536,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 6318,
"sumFlows": 491
"protocolName": 6,
"sumClientBytes": 1873217764,
"sumServerBytes": 11520014000,
"sumClientPackets": 16168561,
"sumServerPackets": 9237395,
"sumFlows": 884914
"protocolName": 58,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 192648,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 3514,
"sumFlows": 765
  1. Add fields whose values are the result of the following arithmetic expressions:

_sumBytes1 = sumClientBytes + sumServerBytes _sumClientBitsPerSecond4 = (sumClientBytes * 8) / 60 _sumServerBitsPerSecond5 = (sumServerBytes * 8) / 60 _sumPacketsPerSecond6 = (sumClientPackets + sumServerPackets) / 60 _sumFlowsPerSecond7 = sumFlows / 60 _sumFlowsPerSecond7 = sumFlows / 60

| set _sumBytes1=add(sumClientBytes,sumServerBytes), 
_sumFlowsPerSecond7=div(sumFlows, 60)


"total": 5,
"data": [
"protocolName": 17,
"sumClientBytes": 27629261045,
"sumServerBytes": 200320556,
"sumClientPackets": 73431273,
"sumServerPackets": 736372,
"sumFlows": 787521,
"_sumBytes1": 27829581601,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 3683901472.6666665,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 26709407.466666665,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 1236127.4166666667,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 13125.35
"protocolName": 1,
"sumClientBytes": 771406,
"sumServerBytes": 210319829,
"sumClientPackets": 13398,
"sumServerPackets": 706733,
"sumFlows": 63849,
"_sumBytes1": 211091235,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 102854.13333333333,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 28042643.866666667,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 12002.183333333332,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 1064.15
"protocolName": 2,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 227536,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 6318,
"sumFlows": 491,
"_sumBytes1": 227536,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 0.0,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 30338.133333333335,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 105.3,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 8.183333333333334
"protocolName": 6,
"sumClientBytes": 1873217764,
"sumServerBytes": 11520014000,
"sumClientPackets": 16168561,
"sumServerPackets": 9237395,
"sumFlows": 884914,
"_sumBytes1": 13393231764,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 249762368.53333333,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 1536001866.6666667,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 423432.6,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 14748.566666666668
"protocolName": 58,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 192648,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 3514,
"sumFlows": 765,
"_sumBytes1": 192648,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 0.0,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 25686.4,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 58.56666666666667,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 12.75
  1. Show results.

Show ten aggregation results by protocol from the highest value of the sum of the sumClientBytes and sumServerBytes fields and one object containing the summed all values (total) of the fields _sumBytes1, sumClientBytes, sumServerBytes, _sumClientBitsPerSecond4, _sumServerBitsPerSecond5 and _sumPacketsPerSecond6, _sumFlowsPerSecond7.

| fork (aggr _sumBytes1=sum(_sumBytes1), 
total=count(1) | set protocolName="Total", _isTotalRow=true), (sort _sumBytes1 desc | limit 10)


The first object in the following list (protocolName: Total) contains a summary (totals) of values.

"total": 6,
"data": [
"_sumBytes1": 41572536009,
"_sumClientBytes2": 29606497335,
"_sumServerBytes3": 11966038674,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 3947532978,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 1595471823.2,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 1678277.1666666667,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 29062.8,
"total": 5,
"protocolName": "Total",
"_isTotalRow": true
"protocolName": 17,
"sumClientBytes": 27719053914,
"sumServerBytes": 201911191,
"sumClientPackets": 73654716,
"sumServerPackets": 742475,
"sumFlows": 789663,
"_sumBytes1": 27920965105,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 3695873855.2,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 26921492.133333333,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 1239953.1833333333,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 13161.05
"protocolName": 6,
"sumClientBytes": 1886667955,
"sumServerBytes": 11552918926,
"sumClientPackets": 16300918,
"sumServerPackets": 9267241,
"sumFlows": 888874,
"_sumBytes1": 13439586881,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 251555727.33333334,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 1540389190.1333334,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 426135.98333333334,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 14814.566666666668
"protocolName": 1,
"sumClientBytes": 775466,
"sumServerBytes": 210788181,
"sumClientPackets": 13425,
"sumServerPackets": 708019,
"sumFlows": 63973,
"_sumBytes1": 211563647,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 103395.46666666666,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 28105090.8,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 12024.066666666668,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 1066.2166666666667
"protocolName": 2,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 227536,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 6318,
"sumFlows": 491,
"_sumBytes1": 227536,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 0.0,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 30338.133333333335,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 105.3,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 8.183333333333334
"protocolName": 58,
"sumClientBytes": 0,
"sumServerBytes": 192840,
"sumClientPackets": 0,
"sumServerPackets": 3518,
"sumFlows": 767,
"_sumBytes1": 192840,
"_sumClientBitsPerSecond4": 0.0,
"_sumServerBitsPerSecond5": 25712.0,
"_sumPacketsPerSecond6": 58.63333333333333,
"_sumFlowsPerSecond7": 12.783333333333333

Example 7 (real data from the network)


Show the average amount of network traffic in bytes for each country in 3 hour time frames.

NQL Query

src stream ="netflowByCountryAggr" 
| set sumClientBytesAndServerBytes = add(clientBytes, serverBytes)
| timeAggr dcCountry0=dc(country),avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes=avg(sumClientBytesAndServerBytes),countries=join(country), mintimestamp=min(timestamp),maxtimestamp=max(timestamp) on timestamp interval="3h"
| set timestampStr=tsToStr(_bucket),mintimestampStr=tsToStr(mintimestamp),maxtimestampStr=tsToStr(maxtimestamp)
| project -dcCountry0, -mintimestamp, -maxtimestamp, -_bucket `


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Select the data from the stream netflowByCountryAggr and calculate the sum of clientBytes + serverBytes

src stream ="netflowByCountryAggr" | set sumClientBytesAndServerBytes = add(clientBytes, serverBytes)


"total": 2268,
"data": [
"_stream": "netflowByCountryAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196800000,
"country": "DE",
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"direction": 0,
"activeTime": 439550000,
"clientBytes": 382021135,
"serverBytes": 379897485,
"clientPackets": 1487888,
"serverPackets": 1479586,
"flows": 35164,
"sessions": 8791,
"sumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 761918620
"_stream": "netflowByCountryAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196800000,
"country": "SE",
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"direction": 0,
"activeTime": 732700000,
"clientBytes": 640053594,
"serverBytes": 638382685,
"clientPackets": 2492900,
"serverPackets": 2486417,
"flows": 58614,
"sessions": 14654,
"sumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 1278436279
"_stream": "netflowByCountryAggr",
"timestamp": 1677196800000,
"country": "DK",
"tenantId": 1284495119,
"direction": 0,
"activeTime": 88827750000,
"clientBytes": 77620570054,
"serverBytes": 77625811592,
"clientPackets": 302319389,
"serverPackets": 302339738,
"flows": 7106172,
"sessions": 1776555,
"sumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 155246381646

  1. Calculate the average value over a 3-hour interval and save it to the avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes variable.

In addition, we combine data from the country field, so as to show a list of countries in a given time interval (variable countries) and the beginning and end of a given time interval (variables mintimestamp, maxtimestamp).

| timeAggr dcCountry0=dc(country),
sum1 = sum(sumClientBytesAndServerBytes),
on timestamp interval="3h"


"data": [
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643487893.42223,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677196800000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677207540000,
"_bucket": 1677196800000
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643537084.8361,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677207600000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677218340000,
"_bucket": 1677207600000
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643425062.48611,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677218400000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677229140000,
"_bucket": 1677218400000
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643393605.52942,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677229200000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677231180000,
"_bucket": 1677229200000
  1. Convert variables containing a timestamp value to a readable text value.
| set timestampStr=tsToStr(_bucket),


"total": 4,
"data": [
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643487893.42223,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677196800000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677207540000,
"_bucket": 1677196800000,
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 00:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 00:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 02:59:00.000"
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643537084.8361,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677207600000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677218340000,
"_bucket": 1677207600000,
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 03:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 03:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 05:59:00.000"
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643425062.48611,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677218400000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677229140000,
"_bucket": 1677218400000,
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 06:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 06:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 08:59:00.000"
"dcCountry0": 4,
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643404454.77777,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,...",
"mintimestamp": 1677229200000,
"maxtimestamp": 1677231300000,
"_bucket": 1677229200000,
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:35:00.000"
  1. Remove from the result the fields do not want to display.

| project -dcCountry0, -mintimestamp, -maxtimestamp, -_bucket


"total": 4,
"data": [
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643487893.42223,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,...",
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 00:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 00:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 02:59:00.000"
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643537084.8361,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,...",
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 03:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 03:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 05:59:00.000"
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643425062.48611,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,...",
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 06:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 06:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 08:59:00.000"
"avgSumClientBytesAndServerBytes": 78643408233.22368,
"countries": "DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,DK,US,DE,SE,...",
"timestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:00:00.000",
"mintimestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:00:00.000",
"maxtimestampStr": "2023-02-24 09:37:00.000"

Example 8 (real data from the network)


Threats Trajectory for most suspicious IPs.

NQL Query

src stream="alerts" 
| valInColl(clientIp, "top10ClientIpLast15Minute_Alerts", "clientIp")
| splitAggr countAlertName0=count(alertName)
(timeAggr on timestamp interval="1m" dir="desc" bucketAlias="srcEventTimestamp"),
(aggr by clientIp as clientIp unwind=true maxBuckets=20) unwind=true
| sort countAlertName0 desc
| limit 480


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Select data from the stream alerts and take only those objects which have an entry in top10ClientIpLast15Minute_Alerts collector for client Ip value.
src stream="alerts" 
| valInColl(clientIp, "top10ClientIpLast15Minute_Alerts", "clientIp")


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 217,
"data": [
"id": "61c43b97-0e06e7a1-3e17bce1",
"timestamp": 1679616180000,
"alertName": "Brute Force Attack",
"alertSeverity": "Medium",
"alertRuleType": "Security",
"alertTags": [
"alertRuleId": "Credential Access_015",
"alertFlagThresholdLevel": "Critical",
"alertSeen": false,
"alertFalsePositive": false,
"alertComment": null,
"alertMitreTactic": "Credential Access",
"alertMitreTechnique": "Brute Force",
"alertMitreId": "T1110",
"alertMitreSubtechnique": null,
"alertDefId": "61a869fa-825ce206-718d6533",
"alertAckUser": null,
"alertAckLastUpdate": null,
"alertFalsePositiveUser": null,
"alertFalsePositiveLastUpdate": null,
"alertCommentUser": null,
"alertCommentLastUpdate": null,
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 949,
"_firstServerIp": "",
"_firstClientAsn": null,
"_firstServerAsn": null
"id": "61c43b97-0e06e7a1-3e17bce3",
"timestamp": 1679616180000,
"alertName": "Brute Force Attack 2",
"alertSeverity": "Medium",
"alertRuleType": "Security",
"alertTags": [
"alertRuleId": "Credential Access_019",
"alertFlagThresholdLevel": "Critical",
"alertSeen": false,
"alertFalsePositive": false,
"alertComment": null,
"alertMitreTactic": "Credential Access",
"alertMitreTechnique": "Brute Force",
"alertMitreId": "T1110",
"alertMitreSubtechnique": null,
"alertDefId": "61a739be-037e4715-be7c2dcf",
"alertAckUser": null,
"alertAckLastUpdate": null,
"alertFalsePositiveUser": null,
"alertFalsePositiveLastUpdate": null,
"alertCommentUser": null,
"alertCommentLastUpdate": null,
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 949,
"_firstServerIp": "",
"_firstClientAsn": null,
"_firstServerAsn": null
  1. Calculate number of alerts in groups by time bucket 1m (one month) and clientIp value.
 | splitAggr countAlertName0=count(alertName) 
(timeAggr on timestamp interval="1m" dir="desc" bucketAlias="srcEventTimestamp"),
(aggr by clientIp as clientIp unwind=true maxBuckets=20) unwind=true

2.1. Calculate number of alerts in 1m time range bukcets.

 | splitAggr countAlertName0=count(alertName) 
(timeAggr on timestamp interval="1m" dir="desc" bucketAlias="srcEventTimestamp")


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 129,
"data": [
"countAlertName0": 2,
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644920000
"countAlertName0": 2,
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644860000

2.2. Calculate number of alerts in clientIp groups.

 | splitAggr countAlertName0=count(alertName)            
(aggr by clientIp as clientIp unwind=true maxBuckets=20) unwind=true


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 3,
"data": [
"countAlertName0": 166,
"clientIp": ""
"countAlertName0": 35,
"clientIp": ""
"countAlertName0": 28,
"clientIp": ""

Result for splitAggr:

"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 135,
"data": [
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644620000
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644500000
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644380000
  1. Sort objects by number of alerts and show first 480 objects
| sort countAlertName0 desc 
| limit 480


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 138,
"data": [
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644680000
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644620000
"countAlertName0": 2,
"clientIp": "",
"srcEventTimestamp": 1679644500000

Example 9 (real data from the network)


A rule detects a brute force/dictionary attack on specific applications (FTP, HTTPS, HTTP, IMAP, RDP, SSH, IMAP3, LDAP, LDAPS, MYSQL, POP3, POP3S, POSTGRESQL, SMTP, TELNET, TFTP, ASTERISK, VNC, SNMP, MSSQL, SMB, ICQ, NNTP, PCANYWHERE, ORACLELISTENER, SVN, XMPP, SIP, RADMIN2, REXEC, RLOGIN, WS - Management and PowerShell remoting via HTTP, WS - Management and PowerShell remoting via HTTPS, RPCAP, NetBIOS, Kerberos) from a single IP address to the same host.

NQL Query

src stream="netflow" 
| in(serverPort,[21,22,23,25,69,80,88,110,119,139,143,161,220,389,443,445,512,513,636,995,1433,1521,2002,3306,3389,3690,4000,4899,5038,5060,5222,5432,5631,5900,5985,5986,6667])
| aggr _countSessions=count(timestamp),
_firstServerPort=first(serverPort) by clientIp as clientIp, serverIp as serverIp, serverPort as serverPort unwind=true
| sort _countSessions desc
| limit 100
| set _firstClientAsn=lookup("ip-as","name", {"ip": _clientIp} ), _firstServerAsn=lookup("ip-as","name", {"ip": _serverIp} )
| limit 1000


Below is a step-by-step explanation of NQL Query.

  1. Select objects from the "netflow" stream for which the value of the serverPort field is on the list: 21,22,23,25,69,80,88,110,119,139,143,161,220,389,443,445,512,513,636,995,1433,1521,2002,3306,3389,3690,4000,4899,5038,5060,5222,5432,5631,5900,5985,5986,6667.
src stream="netflow" 
| in(serverPort,[21,22,23,25,69,80,88,110,119,139,143,161,220,389,443,445,512,513,636,995,1433,1521,2002,3306,3389,3690,4000,4899,5038,5060,5222,5432,5631,5900,5985,5986,6667])


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 6935,
"data": [
"_stream": "netflow",
"timestamp": 1677603840000,
"sessionId": 1,
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"protocol": 6,
"clientPort": 44276,
"serverPort": 443,
"application": 443,
"exporterIps": [
"interfaces": [
"clientFunction": [
"serverFunction": [],
"clientLocation": [],
"serverLocation": [],
"clientRole": [],
"serverRole": [],
"clientTcpFlags": 0,
"serverTcpFlags": 0,
"tosNumbers": [],
"mpls": [],
"asNumbers": [],
"icmpType": [],
"clientCountry": null,
"serverCountry": null,
"clientAsNumber": null,
"serverAsNumber": null,
"activeTime": 1368,
"firstTimestamp": 1677603559044,
"lastTimestamp": 1677603560436,
"clientBytes": 1622,
"serverBytes": 25892,
"clientPackets": 15,
"serverPackets": 25,
"flows": 4
"_stream": "netflow",
"timestamp": 1677603840000,
"sessionId": 3,
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"protocol": 6,
"clientPort": 60297,
"serverPort": 443,
"application": 443,
"exporterIps": [
"interfaces": [
"clientFunction": [
"serverFunction": [],
"clientLocation": [],
"serverLocation": [],
"clientRole": [],
"serverRole": [],
"clientTcpFlags": 0,
"serverTcpFlags": 0,
"tosNumbers": [],
"mpls": [],
"asNumbers": [],
"icmpType": [],
"clientCountry": null,
"serverCountry": null,
"clientAsNumber": null,
"serverAsNumber": null,
"activeTime": 43948,
"firstTimestamp": 1677603524348,
"lastTimestamp": 1677603568296,
"clientBytes": 40,
"serverBytes": 1273,
"clientPackets": 1,
"serverPackets": 3,
"flows": 2
  1. Select the first values of the fields _clientIp, _firstClientCountry, _firstClientFunction, _serverIp, _firstServerCountry, _firstServerFunction, _firstClientIp, _firstServerIp, _firstServerPort for the given groups clientIp, serverIp i serverPort. And the calculation of the number of objects in these groups (_countSessions).
| aggr _countSessions=count(timestamp), 
_firstServerPort=first(serverPort) by clientIp as clientIp, serverIp as serverIp, serverPort as serverPort unwind=true


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 1153,
"data": [
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 4,
"_firstServerIp": ""
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 19,
"_firstServerIp": ""
  1. Sort the results by the _countSessions field in descending order and select the first 100 objects.
| sort _countSessions desc 
| limit 100


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 100,
"data": [
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 223,
"_firstServerIp": ""
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 146,
"_firstServerIp": ""
  1. Add fields _firstClientAsn and _firstServerAsn whose values are selected from files (lookup's) ip-as i ip-as from field "name" for conditions: ip=_clientIp oraz ip=_serverIp. Get the first 1000 objects.
| set _firstClientAsn=lookup("ip-as","name", {"ip": _clientIp} ), _firstServerAsn=lookup("ip-as","name", {"ip": _serverIp} ) 
| limit 1000


"status": {
"state": "FINISHED"
"total": 100,
"data": [
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 223,
"_firstServerIp": "",
"_firstClientAsn": 23456,
"_firstServerAsn": 65535
"_firstServerCountry": null,
"serverPort": 443,
"_serverIp": "",
"_firstServerPort": 443,
"_firstClientCountry": null,
"_firstClientIp": "",
"_firstClientFunction": [
"_firstServerFunction": [],
"clientIp": "",
"serverIp": "",
"_clientIp": "",
"_countSessions": 146,
"_firstServerIp": "",
"_firstClientAsn": 131072,
"_firstServerAsn": 64512