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Version: 2.4


This menu [Dashboards>Favorites>Bookmarks] can be used to store favorite Bookmarks.


A Bookmark in the Sycope system is a link to the system element with a search bar that includes the time and filter. Bookmarks can be created for elements such as Dashboard, Alerts table, or Raw data. To create a Bookmark, use the image-20230131113708744 button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Example: Bookmark to Raw Data with a clientIP filter

We want to create a Bookmark to Raw Data with a clientIP filter without specifying a time period. After entering the correct filter in the search bar, click on the Create Bookmark icon in the upper right corner of the screen.


In the window, fill in the Name (required) and Description and Tags fields and press Create.


After this action, Bookamark will appear in the list of Bookmarks in the [Management>Favorites>Bookmarks] menu.


In the Action column, there are buttons with which you can Launch, Edit or Delete the selected Bookmark.

The Bookmarks created in the System are also available from the pop-up menu located on the screen's right side.



Example: Bookmark to Raw Data with a clientIP filter and time filter

In addition to the filter, the Bookmark can store information about the period of time on which to operate a particular element of the System. The procedure for creating Bookmark is the same as in the earlier example, only the time filter needs to be additionally completed.


Once the Bookmark is created, it will appear in the list.
