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Version: 2.2.1

Right click actions

This menu [Configuration>Objects>Right click actions] can be used to enter external links that will be available after pressing right mouse button.

The list of Right click actions is in the table with the following columns:

  • Name - unique Right click actions name
  • URL - Right click actions link
  • Privacy - privacy status icon
  • Shared - name of the user who shared the Right click actions
  • Action
    • Edit - edit an existing Right click actions
    • Duplicate - create an editable copy of the selected Right click actions
    • Delete - delete Right click actions

The predefined Right click actions in the system are not editable but can be duplicated and then edited.

To add a new Right click actions click New right click actions button then the wizard will appear. In the wizard window there are the following fields:

  • Name - name of the Right click actions

  • URL - Right click actions external link

  • Privacy - assigning privileges

    • Private - accessible to the owner
    • Public - visible to all, but You can grant permission:
      • DELETE
      • EDIT
    • Shared - accessible to one or more selected User roles. Available privileges are:
      • Delete
      • Edit
      • View