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Version: 2.0.29


This menu [Configuration>Mapping>Tags] can be used to create custom tags that can be used across the Sycope system.

The list of created tags is in the table that has the following columns:

  • Name - Tag name with a customizable background color
  • Color - Tag color
  • Description - Short tag description
  • Status - active/inactive
  • Action
    • Edit - edit Tag
    • Duplicate - creating an editable copy of the selected Tag
    • Delete - delete Lookup

To add a new tag click New tag button. After clicking button, a Tag Properties window appears with the following fields:

  • Name - Tag name

  • Description - short tag description

  • Pick a color - field to specify the color in the tag name

  • Active switch - button to activate the tag - status shown on active/inactive icon in the table in the Tags menu