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Version: 2.0.27

External Destination

This menu [Configuration>Integrations>External Destinations] can be used to create external destination to which the system will send data.

The list of External Destinations is in the table with the following columns:

  • Name -External Destinations name.
  • Status
  • Type - template type - Html or Text.
  • Action
    • Edit - edit an existing Email Template
    • Duplicate - can be used as a template for a new template
    • Delete - delete Email Templates.

To add a new External Destinations click New external destinations button then the New external destinations wizard will appear.

At first, you have to choose the type of External Destination. There are currently two types of external destinations available:

  • Macmon,
  • Syslog.

For Macmon you need to fill the following form:

  • Type

  • Name

  • Active switch button

  • Ip

  • Port

  • Protocol

    • HTTPS
    • HTTP
  • User name

  • User password

  • Api version

  • Privacy - assigning privileges

    • Private - accessible to the owner

    • Public - accessible to all.

      • Public permissions
        • Delete
        • Edit
        • Execute
    • Shared - accessible to one or more selected roles. Available privileges are:

      • Delete

      • Edit

      • Execute

      • View

You can check if the configuration is correct by pressing the Test connection button.

For Syslog you need to fill the following form:

  • Type

  • Name

  • Active switch button -

  • Deastinations

    • Host
    • Port
    • Protocol
      • TCP
      • UDP
  • Privacy - assigning privileges

    • Private - accessible to the owner

    • Public - accessible to all.

      • Public permissions
        • Delete
        • Edit
        • Execute
    • Shared - accessible to one or more selected roles. Available privileges are:

      • Delete

      • Edit

      • Execute

      • View